When credit card companies review applications, they are trying to figure out whether to give you an open ended line of credit, how much credit to offer (limit), and on what terms. As part of this evaluation they are primarily trying to evaluate two things:
Out of these two Intent is often the harder criteria to evaluate. If you don’t have a proven credit history most credit card companies will find it difficult to evaluate your intent and reliability.
When we look at credit card approval rates, people with no credit history have an approval rate of only 16%. And most credit card applications are from people who have little or no credit history.
Ok so you can’t get a credit card without a credit history. But wait a minute… you also can’t build a credit history without a credit card.
How do you break out of this chicken or egg situation? What’s anyone supposed to do?
Unfortunately the sad truth is that over 110M Americans are stuck in this chicken or egg situation. The result is staying on debit cards for far too long, not getting started building credit till it's too late, and going through life with a major financial handicap.
We think this situation sucks and that there should be a better way. That’s where Atlas comes in.
Atlas solves this chicken or egg situation. You can get an Atlas credit card without a credit check. Approval rates are up to 6x higher than traditional credit cards and it takes just about two minutes to get approved and get started.
So, what should you do if your credit card application gets denied?
Some common myths
Atlas is the way to go
If you’re wondering what the right option is for you, we think you’ve found it in Atlas. We built Atlas exactly because the current status-quo sucks, and it’s time for something better.
Don’t lose any more time. Get started with Atlas to set yourself up for a brighter future. Your future self will thank you.
Get started today
As fast as two minutes
0% APR with limits that grow with you
No income or credit check needed
Applying won't affect credit score